Friday, December 31, 2010

It is that time of the year... again!!

The end of another year draws near and as the new year dawns, it brings with it renewed hope of better days and possibly, a better life!! So, lets cast a glance at the year gone by and look into the crystal ball to see how the new year might pan out

For India, as a country, the year had successes of individuals and teams but at the same time, the failures of the systems was shocking. Time and again, the systems were manipulated by a group of individuals who were tasked with the responsibility of operating the systems to benefit the common people. We have investigating agencies who seem to operate as extensions of the powers that be. We have ministers who seem keen to maximise the wealth of their own kith and kin rather than working for the people who elected them (Who said that charity begins @ home). Time and again, we saw the nation and its people brutalized, beaten and yet not defeated!!

The year gone by has been quite a roller coaster ride with highs and lows in equal or mebbe, unequal measures!!

Could the year have gone by better - Well, of course yes!! But at the same time, things could have been a lot worse too!! :D So, in that respect, it was good!!

So.. what abt the next year...
For starters, lets try and write more often. Lets try and verbalize better. Lets try and work better. Lets hope to get better work and better @ work!! Lets hope that things get better for India and for all Indians.. And let us hope that the search for the ideal "...." gets resolved!! :D


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