Monday, December 31, 2012

Y2K12.. in review

Y2K12, probably marks a watershed year in my life and ends today, leaving 2K13 that is pregnant with possibilities and good wishes, that one hopes, come true. 2012 marked a year of awakening, for India as a country as we found hiterto silent sections of the populace rise up as one. These, although for a few days, at least gives one hope that the heart still beats and we can still do something for the country. For me, as an individual, 2012 ensured that I add a new country to my list of countries already worked in.. and multiply the experience of cultures that I have had. The year, was an interesting one, with trials and tribulations galore, but tempered with enough happiness and joys to keep you interested (as Ravi Shatri would say!!) The trials were many, both in the personal and professional sphere, more because of too little happening rather than an excess of it. The latter quarter of the year more than compensated for the happening quotient, and there is enough matter for a book of a few volumes! 2013 promises to be an exciting year, in more ways than one and I hope that it leads us closer to our respective goals. And one hope that it does not end as a damp squib!! :D So, with hope in the heart and a renewed spring in the step, we open the doors of 2013, and pray that the 13 is lucky for us! :D HAAAPPPPYYYYY NEWWWWW YEEEEEEAAAAAAAARRRRRR!!!


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